Small Cocoon {Charity Collab} @ MSAD
Toute l'équipe a été émue par l'histoire d'une adorable princesse et s'est tout naturellement mobilisée pour réaliser une collaboration en son honneur : Small cocoon !
Elle a 6 ans et est atteinte d'une grave maladie qui touche ses poumons et son appareil digestif.
D'un tempérament très courageuse face à sa maladie, elle se bat quotidiennement mais aujourd'hui elle n'a pas le moral.
Sa maman et ses proches font de leur mieux pour lui rendre son sourire mais nous souhaiterions par ce geste lui redonner l'espoir et la volonté de continuer à se battre auprès des siens.
Merci d'avance pour votre soutien.Ce n'est peut être qu'un geste pour vous mais pour cette enfant c'est un énorme cadeau.
Nous avons également une pensée pour toutes les personnes (enfants et adultes) qui sont malades mais aussi à leurs familles.
Small cocoon ! a été réalisé par 13 designers et scrappeuses et contient :
- 46 papiers
- 164 éléments
- 3 pages rapides
- 3 clusters
The whole team was moved by the story of an adorable princess and is naturally mobilized to achieve collaboration in his honor: Small cocoon!
She is 6 years old and is suffering from a serious disease that affects the lungs and digestive system.
From a very brave face his illness temperament, she fights every day but today it is not moral.
His mom and his family are doing their best to make her smile but we would by this gesture give him the hope and the will to continue to fight with his family.
Thank you in advance for your soutien.Ce is perhaps a gesture for you but for the child it is a huge gift.
We also have a thought for all the people (children and adults) who are sick but also their families.
Small cocoon! was done by 13 designers and scrappers and contains:
- 46 papers
- 164 items
- 3 quick pages
The whole team was moved by the story of an adorable princess and is naturally mobilized to achieve collaboration in his honor: Small cocoon!
She is 6 years old and is suffering from a serious disease that affects the lungs and digestive system.
From a very brave face his illness temperament, she fights every day but today it is not moral.
His mom and his family are doing their best to make her smile but we would by this gesture give him the hope and the will to continue to fight with his family.
Thank you in advance for your soutien.Ce is perhaps a gesture for you but for the child it is a huge gift.
We also have a thought for all the people (children and adults) who are sick but also their families.
Small cocoon! was done by 13 designers and scrappers and contains:
- 46 papers
- 164 items
- 3 quick pages
mes pages
photo Mily photography
photo Patrycja Baczkowska-Photography
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